With decades of experience in financial planning, Michael (Mike) T. Washburn has been the guiding hand behind numerous successful wealth management stories. His expertise and personalized approach to each client's unique financial situation have set a benchmark in the industry.
Our lives can be complicated and we are very busy. There is so much information that swirls around us it's hard to know what to think. Most people tend to believe that complexity is a necessary component to managing wealth. Our firm believes it isn’t.
As partners, we have some 35 years of collective experience in financial planning. We have read hundreds of books, thousands of reports, and interviewed many people from all walks of life. From our collective education and experience, we have identified some very strong trends that wealthy folks have employed along the way. Strategies that do not rely on market timing and not even that much on market performance.
Sure, anyone who buys a lottery ticket might win, but any student of math knows there is likely a much more effective way to invest! In studying the trends and speaking with lots of people who have built a solid wealth base, we have found common traits that have worked for them all.
People often ask “why do my investment returns seem lower than the markets?” We tell them it’s because investors tend to follow a cycle of fear and greed: when stocks are up, people feel good about the markets and they buy (greed). When stocks are down and all the news about the markets sounds bad, they sell (fear). The more this is repeated, the worse it gets.
It is important not to get caught up in these cycles. Getting free from this cycle is a key to investing success.
Have you ever noticed the pain of loss outweighs the pleasure of gain? In investment terms, psychologists estimate that a 10% drop in your portfolio value is emotionally equivalent to a 50% gain in its value! It’s not surprising, therefore, when we recommend that our clients build financial plans around managing risk.
Our extensive experience in the area of insurance has proven to us and to our clients that covering the risks we all face in terms of a challenge to our health or to our life itself is a critical component in building and preserving wealth.
Timing when to buy and when to sell is a fool’s game, a matter of luck. But, it is always a good time to stop the cycle of buying high and selling low. Regardless of what the press is saying. Monitoring market moves, watching stock market shows on TV and poring over financial forecasts takes a lot of time and energy. Worse, it makes people anxious and anxious investors often screw up. Focus on your goals and build a plan that has the best shot at getting you there. Then turn your attention to living now. You will be happier (and wealthier) for it.
Getting good planning advice is very important. But recognize the difference between solid planning and forecasting. Forecasts and stock gurus often just distract us from the real task at hand.
We can design financial plans and portfolios to suit our best current understanding of how financial markets tend to work and what we want to achieve over the coming years, and when things change, we can adapt. We need to be able to turn to trustworthy professionals who know us, not some stranger on a cable TV show or a writer in a magazine. We need to focus on our personal economy and stop worrying about the global one. Let’s not forget why we are so focused on our financial security. We want to be happy and provide a good life for our loved ones. Financial decisions are almost always life decisions. Before you decide on your financial goals, you need to choose your life goals.
Some of our clients are ready to make big decisions. Others are starting from a very basic position. From whatever may be their place in life, we help them find clarity. From customized plans, it becomes clear what actions are to be taken. By following up and conducting regular reviews, we monitor the results against their goals. When we make good decisions from a place of understanding and exercise the discipline to follow through, wonderful results can be created.
We help people make smart decisions about money so they can build and protect their wealth over time.
We start with your values and goals, guiding our journey to a tailored financial future. Many clients bring diverse goals and fears, yet lack a cohesive financial plan rooted in their values. Through collaborative discussions, we identify what matters to you, developing a customized financial roadmap from your present to your envisioned future. Our process involves creating and revising detailed reports with you, ensuring they reflect your needs. We don’t just stop there; regular follow-ups, both remotely and in-person, keep your financial plan aligned with your evolving path.
Old Age Security (OAS)
Pension Plan (CPP)
Senior Tax and Benefit information
Seniors Canada website
Canadian Credit Report
Canada Revenue Agency
Pension Plan
Employment and
Social Development Canada
Canada Life & Health Insurance Association Inc.
Canadian Business
Financial Post
Globe & Mail Report on
Globe Investor
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